Moon Photography at Church Hill

Catching the moon before the sun goes down

Last night, I went with two other photographers to photograph the moon as it rose above the hills east of the Nicasio village square. In a break from my normal routine, I had agreed to take my students out two full days before the day of the 100% – illumined moon. In the past, it had been my custom to teach the moon workshop just one day before full. Going out a day earlier meant that the moon would clear the tall hills behind St. Mary’s Church before the sunlight disappeared from the foreground.  With the small class, I was able to find some time to capture some images of this strikingly photogenic moon and place. Click on the images for enlarged versions.

For those who like to know some of the technical details, I used my Sony Nex-7 with its kit zoom lens (18-55 focal length). Also, because a student needed to borrow my tripod, I did something that I never recommend: I shot hand-held with SteadyShot turned on!

Wetlands Barn Interiors folio released

Last night’s moon photo session was a welcome celebration as I had just finished printing the first signed, numbered copies of my new Wetlands Barn Interiors folio. This 12-print fine art collection had taken up many hours over the last several weeks. There’s special discounting available for you until May 15th, more info, and ordering page at the link above.  Also, I’ve put together a free downloadable PDF Folio version for your preview. It too links back to the main folio page. Enjoy!

Oak and Moon, Church Hill 226During the day of the actual full moon, the moon would’ve been hidden behind the hills until well after the sun had set. Going out an evening earlier made all the difference.

Parabolic hill and moon 237Church Hill Moonrise 246Church Hill Moonrise 233

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