
I’ve published a free periodic newsletter for twenty years, continuously since 2000.  I continue to write musings about the creative process and in particular about the making of photographs. Subscribers also receive breaking news about new work, sales, classes and events via this newsletter. I hope you’ll sign up and keep in touch with the goings on around here!

If you wish to unsubscribe from the Marty Knapp News subscriber list it’s easy and we’ll never make you jump through hoops such as providing us a reason. Simply use the “unsubscribe” link which appears at the bottom of every newsletter we send. We honor your privacy and we’ve never shared personal contact information or email addresses with anyone…. never have, never will! 

Sign Up for Marty Knapp News here.

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Note: The Marty Knapp Newsletter and the Blog are two different animals.
Subscribe to my blog here , or in the box in the upper right corner on this page


1 comments on “Newsletter

  1. I recently watched the Michael Morrissey presentation of you on YouTube that was published 2 years ago. Really inspiring presentation. Thank you.

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