The best camera is the one you have with you…
In my last post I wrote about the fun I had making hand-held photographs in the wetlands near my Point Reyes home. I continue to be surprised by the exceptional quality I’m getting from my small camera, the pocketable Sony RX100M3. And, what especially pleases me is that I am finding images because I actually have the camera with me on my morning walks! I’m certain that many of these new photographs would not exist if they had awaited my arrival with a larger, tripod-mounted camera. On New Year’s Day the meadow glittered with frosted grasses. These ice-laden grasses and berry vines beckoned me closer.
A week later the rains returned! I walked the wetlands trail between the mid-January storms, and found the sky reflecting in a trail puddle. Above me, barren tree branches echoed the puddle’s reflection, creating a stark pattern against the cloud-speckled sky.
Then, just a couple of days ago on another walk, I saw tiny bubbles surfacing from a puddle. I couldn’t resist! I knelt in the damp grasses at the edge of the little pond. Holding the Sony as steady as I could, I held my breath and released the shutter. After several attempts I managed a photograph of this mysterious macro world. Such a gift to find this simple beauty the rain had given us.
I’ve added the photographs shown here to my online catalog. You can view larger versions by clicking on these thumbnails. *By control or right-clicking on the ordering page image, you’ll see an even larger image of the photograph.