Marty Knapp stands next to the Epson printer in his home studio.
Welcome to my new website! It’s been a half-year in the making and tonight I’m pleased to announce the debut. My first website at MartyKnapp.com went live in 1998. Since then, there have been two additional versions, each one improving on it’s predecessor. This 2015 version offers, for the first time, an integrated blog and a secure online shopping cart for followers and supporters of my photography. The design and functional changes were challenging for me. I thought I could handle the task, but was soon treading in waters deeper and more turbulent than I could handle. In January I put out a call for help in my email newsletter. Many of you responded with kind offers of help or suggestions of people who could help me. I thank all of you… your response was gratifying.
One suggestion led me to connect with Mike Van Winkle, a brilliant WordPress expert. We began working together this February. Mike was a joy to work with. He quickly saw what I needed and shepherded my new website smoothly to completion. My semi-weekly meetings with Mike have been a great pleasure. We finished the site last week. After spending a few hours this week obsessing over details, I’ve decided that I’m “ready enough” to invite you to visit my new site! You may find a couple of ingredients are missing from a cupboard, or certain doors seem to open a little too slowly. But, all said, I think that things are shipshape enough for your visit. As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions. Okay, let the games begin!
*Keep up to date – Subscribe to this blog
Please subscribe to my new blog. You’ll be notified whenever I post entries here.
There’s a convenient text window in the upper right of this page.
What’s New Here
Secure Online Shopping Site
I’m pleased to offer the convenience of a secure PayPal shopping cart and checkout feature. All photographs in the collections are available in a number of sizes and presentation and all major credit cards are accepted. You can save things to your cart or as favorites to your lightbox and purchase them when you’re ready. If you want something in a size that isn’t offered in the pop-up options box, just contact me. I do all printing, matting and framing on the premises in Point Reyes and can react quickly to most requests.
Multi-Device Responsive
This site is responsive to various-sized devices from smart phones through tablets up to large desktop display monitors. The graphics will scale themselves to your device’s size for an enjoyable and useful experience.
Searchable Database
You can search the collections for photographs with keyword searches. This convenient feature saves time and helps you focus on finding just the right subject matter or type of image you’re looking for. When you find a favorite, place it to your lightbox with the handy “save” link.
Enlarged Image View Access
To see enlarged versions of any of the collection item photographs, control-click (mac)* or right-click (pc) on the image to see it on a new tab or page.
Questions? Just Contact me!
As always, I welcome your questions or comments. You can email me or call me from the contact page. I look forward to hearing from you and staying in touch. Thanks for looking!
*on a macintosh computer you hold the control key while clicking on the image to open a contextual menu. From that menu you can choose to open an enlarged version in a new tab or or on a new page. I recommend this procedure to get a better look at the photographs.
I know what a job it is to update a website. We’re working on mine right
now. Yours has so much content – an added challenge no doubt.
Congratulations on getting it launched!! I look forward to your blogs and thoughtful writing. Be well, Nancy
Nancy, there are SOOOO Many details, you’re right there! Thanks for your support and subscribing to my blog. Good luck on developing your new site. I hope it brings you the clients you seek.
Marty – You and Mike did a wonderful job on the upgrade. Easy to navigate, inspiring photos. Congratulations.
Glad it works well for you, David. I’ll pass your comment onto Mike!
Looks great. Is this replay the signup for the new website? What great progress over the past 30 years.
Don – Looks like you are already subscribed to my blog. I think you will continue to get notices when I write something in the online blog. It is actually the continuation of my “lumen graphics” wordpress blog. Just moved it over to this new wordpress domain site. Thanks for writing.
If you want to sign up to get notices of newly-posted blogs, you can do that from the main website. Just click on the blog link and you’ll see the email entry box in upper right of the window.
Thanks for all your support over all these years!
Well done new website, Marty. I much like the theme you have used. The background color you’ve chosen is different from any other site and really serves to support your fine monochrome images. You have a lot of functionality on your site but it is tastefully packaged and does not overwhelm. Best of luck with this!
Frank- Thanks for weighing in on the color. I wanted something in harmony, but not too dark. I use something similar on my email newsletter and have always liked the slightly warm/neutral look.