It’s been getting pretty darn cold the last few mornings in Point Reyes. We’ve been wearing gloves, hats and double coats as we take the dogs for their daily morning walk. I keep on sniffing the air for moisture above, but alas not a snowflake to be found. The last time it snowed in these parts was nearly twenty years ago when we awoke to a beautiful sight on the morning of January 28, 2002.
Last weekend, on Saturday afternoon, the sky took on a leaden, anticipatory cast. It was bone chilling cold and if I didn’t know better, I’d have thought I was looking at a “snow sky.” December’s low-angled sunlight, the chill and a low heavy sky will do that to a native New Englander.
Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful…
Back in the warmth of the house I daydreamed of long past winter childhood memories. The phone jangled, awakening me from my reverie. It was a call from a fella who was standing in front of my gallery. He was wondering if I had any photographs featuring an iconic oak tree and standing stone on the Point Reyes-Petaluma Road. I was well aware of the place, having driven past it for more than forty years. In fact, back in the nineties, I made a photograph there that featured the old oak and companion stone under a full moon with a lone cow grazing nearby. I walked down to the gallery to meet him and show him a sample of Moonrise at Treerock. Hmmm, that wasn’t the view he wanted…. He preferred one taken from the side that showed the separation between the tree and the upright stone.
And since we’ve got no place to go…
I thought for a moment and remembered I had made just such an image on the morning of a rare north coast snowstorm. I hurried home to find the original negative from 2002. As I scanned the film, the lyrics from a classic Christmas song started playing in my mind’s ear:
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
I couldn’t resist–The refrain and title is linked to a melodious rendering by Frank Sinatra.
Oak and Standing Stone in Snow has never been shown in my gallery or on my website. It’s a companion piece to the better known Snow and Ranch Fence which was made on Olema Hill when I first awoke to discover the snow that January morning in 2002.
It’s Sunday evening as I write these thoughts down. The temperature is dropping again. Do you think we just might get a little snow on the coast this winter?
I’ve got my fingers crossed!