February’s Radiant Light 

In February the light begins to return here in coastal, northern California. This morning I looked through my archives to find images made during some of February’s radiant moments.

Everything begins with the light. Walk the same path a hundred times and you think you’ve seen all there is to see. You really haven’t, though. One day, at a particular hour during a certain season, you are surprised. The light has transformed the view. You find yourself in new territory. The fog lifts–revealing light shining on a previously unnoticed pond.


Views never seen before appear. What was once commonplace has become extraordinary. For a moment you wonder if you’ve ever been there before.  In fact, you haven’t. The light, the atmosphere of the moment has trumped the place. You experience a view that you may never see again. The world is new, brand new, born of a fleeting and precious moment.

There are still some frosty mornings as winter loosens its grasp on the land and sea. There is more light and it is of a different quality. The air has often been scrubbed clean by passing rain clouds and wind. Some hours the landscape seems to radiate its own light as if it is bursting from within. I am drawn to these gifts of light. That is what I photograph.

Film = February 1998


Miata Frost Detail 39
A floral-like frost pattern found Christmas morning on the trunk of Jean’s Miata sports car.

Last week in Point Reyes we had the coldest mornings of the winter as temperatures plunged into the high 20s. That may not seem cold to my New England friends, but it was chilly enough for me to cut short my usually leisurely walk with Jean and our pups. I did not carry my camera. My skin is thinner these days and my fingers ached from an old frostbite injury. During last week’s arctic blast, my pace quickened and we all hastily retreated to the comforting warmth of our hearth.

Back home and warm again, I thought about photographs I’d made a few years ago during some even frostier mornings. In particular, I remembered ones made during freezing mornings between 2015-2017. I searched my archives for the most evocative ones I could find. I gathered images of frost tableaus, close-ups of frost-adorned flora, and wider views of frost-covered landscapes. You can see this new collection at my website here: Frost Collection.

My Favorite Photos from 2022

It’s that time–time to look back, to review the year’s photographic efforts. If you were to ask me earlier, I’d say that I hadn’t made very many significant photographs this past year. But, like presents set aside to unwrap later, I’ve found, hidden away, a number of worthy images to share with you. They’re now unwrapped and presented to you here in a review of some of my favorite photos of 2022!

Please scroll down to see the selections. Each photo is linked to its page on the website. The complete collection can also be found here: 2022 Favorite Photos.

editor’s tip: while viewing some of the vertical images on my website, you may not see the complete image without scrolling. Simply click on the image again and it will resize to fit your screen completely.

New Year’s Day Geese, January 1
Starting the year off right, my wife Jean and I celebrated the morning of her birthday with a walk in the Point Reyes Wetlands. We heard the geese honking as they approached quickly from the north. My small Sony camera was in my pocket. I quickly pointed it overhead, and hoped my shutter was set fast enough!

Three Lilies,
February 9

A warm spell and again a morning walk. Just around the corner from my house, the rising sun pointed at these perfectly formed blossoms.

Afternoon at Lagunitas Creek,
March 17

There are only two places along the Greenbridge trail where you can see Lagunitas Creek. I go there often to check on the changing view.

Canopy, Rush Creek
, April 6

With the changing light there are moments when you notice hitherto unremarkable shapes in the forest. I wandered from the Rush Creek trail to look closer at these branches.

Two Oaks, Rush Creek, April 6
These trees, seemingly unrelated, became connected when I found the right place to stand with camera.

Verdant Path, Muddy Hollow Trail, April 7

I began exploring this trail for the first time last April. Sunlit greenery turns radiant with infrared capture. I could not resist!

Spring Oasis, Muddy Hollow Creek
, April 7

On a late afternoon walk, I was drawn to the sunlight streaming through the trees at Muddy Hollow Creek. I paused to look deeper as the new spring growth became radiant in the last light.

Blazing Sun Surprise
, June 9

Afternoon on the Greenbridge Trail. A patch of tall grass seemed ablaze.

Dewdrop Bouquet
, July 30

Morning sun lit up this dew-covered web near my front porch. I walked back in the house to get my camera. The light was just so….

Morning Dewdrop Closeup
, July 30

I got down on my knees to explore this jewelled fabric more deeply.

Giacomini Wetlands Barn, August Evening
, August 22

A recurring theme–a road to somewhere, something, some place.

Sunrise Sky, Point Reyes Wetlands, September 6
How did this happen?

Night Sky at Salt Point
, October 24

Jean and I spent one night in the motorhome on the Sonoma coast. It was clear enough to photograph the Milky Way.

Papermill Creek on Thanksgiving Eve, November 23
I returned to the creek to see what changes the autumn brought. This year has not ended but I’ll pause here for now.