Best of the Best Exhibit

Best of the Best
A Photo Exhibit at Marty Knapp Photo Gallery

August 3, 2024 – September 29, 2024
Gallery Days and Hours:
Fridays and Saturdays, 11am – 5pm
Sundays, 11am to 4ish – Also open by appointment

An Exhibit featuring Marty Knapp’s finest & most 

collected coastal Marin landscape photographs.
Selected from over 30 years of his creative work.

Preview Gallery, Selected Exhibit Photos Here
Marty’s best photographs from 1989 to the present explore moments
of sublime and dramatic light discovered at the ocean’s edge,
the rolling hills and in the heavens near his Point Reyes home.
His classic black and white landscapes capture the spirit of this beloved place

Marty Knapp Photo Gallery
11245 Shoreline Highway, Point Reyes Station
, CA