Black Mountain from Olema Hill

This view of Black Mountain was made during the summer on a 4×5 negative. Printed in black and white by Marty Knapp.

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1 comments on “Black Mountain from Olema Hill

  1. Marty
    I am Margaret Grade’s brother Ben. I was the chef at Manka’s from 1989 – 2006. It was such a special time in my life and in the life of our family. Margaret gave my wife Sandy and I three small framed landscape photos of yours for our wedding. I can’t tell you how much they mean to me. They are hanging on the wall in my tiny bar in Cedarburg, WI. I am so proud to tell patrons about that amazing area – the most loved place in my world.
    If you have any suggestions of other photos of yours I would be MOST appreciative.
    I hope you are well.
    Thank you Marty for all you do.

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